Wheat is Finished! Only Canola Left to Go…

For the week of September 9th – 16th

We had a good week of progress – pushed hard to get as much of the wheat off as we could. The forecast had been calling for a series of weather disturbances to be rolling through the area at the end of last week – and with quite a bit of wheat left to go we had to push to try to get as much done prior to the rain as we could. In the end we managed to get all but 240 acres finished – a few breakdowns, and a long move from the north land to the land in the south – interfered with our abilities to get it all done, but we were pleased with the progress we had made. We didn’t get alot of rain – between 6-12mm across the farm, it was more the duration, misting and showers all day on Friday, which soaked the straw. On Sunday the straw was still tough, and the wheat was testing 18-20% moisture, but we managed to get it all done. Good thing, we had another shower overnight.

So, now it is just canola left go! We go from our cereals which was all hands on deck for the grain cart operators and truckers – get to the field and grain cart either has a load waiting for you or it isn’t long before they do, to a much slower environment. Hoping that the yields are a surprise like the cereals were, but early indications from neighboring farms are that canola suffered more during the hot and dry July timeframe and yields seem to be impacted. Time will tell!

This next week looks to be good weather for a few days then we get into another series of weather events that will be rolling through our area. At the time of writing this, it looks like the heaviest amounts will be about 100-200km to the west. We will see!


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