The early part of winter has been busy for us. When the weather is warm enough – we have been hauling grain. We didn’t have a lot of grain contracted for November and December but we did have some from September and October that the grain terminals did not have room for. Generally if it’s going to be colder than -25C for a daytime high we prefer to wait until it gets warmer out.
We are also getting our seed cleaned currently. The person we hire to clean our seed gets very busy in the new year, but isn’t as busy before Christmas. We prefer to clean this time of year – it’s also not as cold out and we usually have more free time as well.
It is also a busy time of year in the office. Our fiscal year end for the farm is October 31st – so we were busy getting all the documents and details in place. It’s also the time of year we get more prepared for the next year – planning and finalizing details. As conditions change and markets fluctuate – nothing gets finalized until closer to spring, but we get plans in place with different scenarios.