Winter Happenings

For the week of January 27th…

So far it has been a decent winter for weather. We have had some cold spells of -30C to -35C but we have had just as many times of weather in the -5 to -10 range – averaged out it hasn’t been too bad! We have had a few more snow events but nothing quite like the snow events we had in November where we had over 2 feet of snow in two storms in a 10 day period. When it warms up, the wind picks up and that has been the biggest issue – the snow drifts and plugs up various yards…snow plow has been busy!

Grain movement has been slow so far this winter. The majority of the grain we have contracted is for the late winter/spring/summer time period. Starting late February through March and early April we will be busy – should be a fair bit of grain that will need to be moved.

Shop work continues, with adding more pallet rack storage and reorganizing some spaces, along with our annual semi/truck and trailer inspections. We made some changes with our precision equipment, had an opportunity to upgrade the John Deere GS4 monitors and 6000 receivers to the newer versions – GS5 monitors and 7500 receivers. So far we are impressed with the newer versions – quite a bit faster startup and brighter displays which should be a lot more user friendly in the bright sun!


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