Oats are Done, Halfway into our Wheat

For the week of September 2nd – 9th

Making some good harvest progress this past week, we managed to finish the oats – we swathed them to try and get them to dry down quicker and not have to run them through our grain dryer. They did come off dry, which helps with logistics and keeps bins free around the grain dryer. We also got back into our wheat, and it looks to be dry as well. Quality has been excellent on our wheat – will make for a good milling quality. In an environment of lower to much lower grain prices – having high quality grain helps in negotiations for premium pricing opportunities!

This next week looks to be hot and windy, with rain potential increasing by the end of the week. We are going to try to get as much of the wheat off before the weather turns to retain the quality!

Once the wheat is complete we will finally be able to get into our canola. Early canola yields in the area have been disappointing, hopefully ours fairs better!


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