83% Complete! More Rain Delays…

For the week of May 13th – May 20th

Rain delays are something we haven’t had to deal with for the last 3 or 4 seeding seasons – nice to see a succession of rain events happening on a regular basis. We had another 10-30mm across the farm during the last week. The higher rain amounts were up north. Moisture conditions are excellent at the moment.

We are currently sitting at 83% complete – all the cereals are now in the ground and 65% of the canola is planted. All three air drills are planting canola – we can seed for 7-8 hours between fills on the two newer units pulling 91300 carts, and about 5-6 hours between fills with the older drill pulling the smaller 7950 cart.

The earlier planted cereals are emerging. Moisture conditions are good, which should allow the plants to get rooted down. Forecast for this week is scattered showers and cool with daytime highs in the single digits and overnight lows approaching freezing. Next week is supposed to warm up and longer range forecast is for dryer weather – so this recent moisture is definitely welcome!


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