Harvest is complete!!!
We saved our best day for last….plus a move back down south. I didn’t think we would get it done but last Monday we got it all completed. We woke up on Tuesday to some showers, so that was good timing!
Without a doubt starting harvest on the 24th of August means a later harvest – we couldn’t have asked for better weather (few rain delays at the start). Good yields and good grain quality – never would have dreamt of this back when we started planting middle of May! Bins are full, even the fertilizer bins that didn’t get filled from summer fill yet. Plus a few bags. Literally had to move auger to the last available fertilizer bin…
Big thanks to the harvest crew….exceptional.
“Combine Masters”
Greg Puetz
Riley Shearer (who is also an apprentice grain cart driver and accomplished trucker)
Mark Silzer
Kerneels Lombard
Spencer Possberg
Stefanie Schniedermeier (Chrstoph Bangert)
Jack Morgan
“The Truckers”
Christo van Tonder
MIke Hamilton
Danny Maguire
Myself- Kenton Possberg
The grain cart whisperer
Stefan Parker
On cleanup
Sam Hamilton
Joe Schweighardt (also pinch hit on a combine)
Jim Sarauer
Keeping the crew healthy and well fed
Pam Bell Possberg
Erica Bell-Hamilton
The one who couldn’t be here
Alexandr Bulah
And honorable mentions to the legacy crew of
Wilbert Wassermann
Alvin Puetz